How To Write Common App Essays? 101 Essay Writing Tips

How to create common app essays that inspire? 

How to be unique and reach your academic goals? Undergraduate College Admission Essays are always tough. Students from almost all parts of the world compete to get into the college of their dreams. You are not the one in this race!

Common App Essay Writing Tips

Let us get into the details of how to write a common application essay. 

We believe it is important to explore a little about common app first. What is it? 

Common App is a platform for students who aspire to apply to colleges in the USA (there are colleges and universities from other countries too that accept common applications). 

It is a great platform! It is a boon for students who want to save time in applying to the top colleges of their choice. A single application will work. That is the essence of Common App. 

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But, when you sign up at Common App, you are required to create a Common App essay to apply to colleges too. 

There will be new essay prompts every year. For 2024-2025, there are seven essays. You can pick any essay topic you want and create a wonderful essay. 

Common App Essay Writing Tips

We have presented a five-step process for creating a common app essay that can help students outperform or outshine. 

Get A Clear Understanding Of Essay Prompts

All essay prompts have different purposes. They are aimed at identifying, or analyzing different qualities a student may have. The first big challenge will be to pick the right essay topic. 

Pick the essay title that resonates well with yourself. it should match your story. it should be good enough to talk about. Can you make a story about it or not? That will be the first question. 

Understanding what the prompts ask you to do is very important. Do not just jump in to write. Spend time to analyze what it is and what is really asking you to do.

Common App Essay Writing Tricks

Before you commit yourself to writing, we would suggest that you brainstorm. Discuss ideas, get suggestions and recommendations from others, and explore ways in which you could perfectly present the topic. Explore as many ideas as possible before settling down on any one type of idea.

A genuine story matters the most. The topic you select should represent a real story. Be authentic. 

Starting your common app essay with a hook is recommended by the experts.

"As an admission officer, the first few lines of the essay matter to me a lot. No one would like to read boring stuff! If it can engage the audience at the start then it will be a good life! The admission officer would love to read it to the end." Bryan Nicolas - Columbia Admission Committee.

Common App Essay Writing Tricks and Tips

Therefore, try to capture the attention of the admission officer with a powerful hook. It should be your topmost priority. If you can find a perfect angle to your story, you have succeeded. Move from common to uncommon because only unique stories capture the attention of the readers.  use personal experience in your essay. Write about something that you have experienced and have a great impact on you.  

101 Tricks To Create Common App Essays

  • Be unique. Use words, and phrases that mix well with your ideas and concepts
  • It should be peronal. Narrate experiences that touch your soul.
  • Discuss who you are, your vision and your passion
  • explain to the committee where you are the best.
  • Focus on future goals. Try to tie in at least 2-3 future goals (this tip for common app essay writing works only when you select a prompt that requests you to talk about your future goals). 
  • If you are planning to pick a topic of your choice then ensure that it is unique to you and it should explain more about you in the right way. 


Common App Essays is a small and independent organization, that assists students who apply through Common App. We promote Common App as the best platform for students seeking admission to top colleges and universities. We only help students apply through Common App, and create, and improve their essays. We are not endorsed by the Official Common App Website. We only provide unbiased assistance to students applying through Common App.